Doctoral Program in INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES April, 8th 2016 Meeting Room (2nd floor) – Alan Turing Building (Blocco 0) – Coppito, L’Aquila Doctoral Theses Dissertations XXVIII Cycle PROGRAM 9:45. Lucien Etienne – “Elements of observation for Control of Networked Systems”. Advisor: Prof. S. Di Gennaro. 12:15. Award ceremony for Master Theses in Networking Technologies, sponsored by Internet Society Italia and Reiss […]
Seminar on Power System Control Services by Demand Side Management of Smart Buildings
Lunedì 11 Aprile, alle ore 12:00, presso la Sala Riunioni dell’Edificio Alan Turing, il Prof. Federico Silvestro, IEES Lab – DITEN, Università degli studi di Genova, terrà un seminario dal titolo: Power System Control Services by Demand Side Management of Smart Buildings Abstract: Flexibility in management of electric distribution networks is more and more important due to large penetration of […]
EECI Course: 4-8 April Cyber-Physical systems control: Algebraic and Optimization techniques.
During the first week of April (4-8) 2016 Prof. Raphael Jungers, FNRS and ICTEAM Institute – UCLouvain, Belgium, will take a PhD Course EECI organized by the DEWS at the meeting Room (Alan Turing Bulding). Cyber-Physical systems control: Algebraic and Optimization techniques. Abstract: Modern control systems are more and more complex. Not only are they impacted by increasingly involved and multiple constraints […]
EECI Graduate School: March 21-24, 2016. Tools for nonlinear control, Lyapunov function, positivity, applications.
From March 21st to March 24th, 2016, Prof. Frédéric Mazenc (Inria, Paris-Saclay, France) will give the following course at the University of L’Aquila for the EECI Graduate School on Control: Tools for nonlinear control, Lyapunov function, positivity, applications. Abstract: We will present fundamental results pertaining to ordinary differential equations, discrete-time systems and nonlinear control theory. In particular, we will review the notion of Lyapunov […]

Space Software Engineering Seminars
SPACE SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Thales Alenia Space – Center of Excellence DEWS “Ciclo di seminari con l’obiettivo di fornire conoscenze su importanti argomenti di ingegneria del software nel dominio aerospaziale con focus su sistemi satellitari” 23 – 24 Febbraio 09.30 – 18.30 A1.7 Blocco 0 Coppito SPACE_SW_ENGINEERING_locandina

PhD Course EECI
PhD Course on “Modeling, analysis and design of wireless sensor and actuator networks” PhD Course on “Modeling, analysis and design of wireless sensor and actuator networks”, by Alessandro D’Innocenzo (Univ. of L’Aquila) and Carlo Fischione (KTH), M07 – EECI International Graduate School on Control, TU-Berlin, 22-25 February 2016
Best Application Paper Award of the European Control Conference 2015
The European Control Conference (ECC) has been organized every two years under the auspices of the European Control Association (EUCA). Since 2013 it takes place annually. The conference aims to bring together academic and industrial professionals in the field of systems and control, and to promote scientific cooperation and exchanges within the European Union and between Europe and other parts […]