[SEMINAR] Requirements Engineering for ML-based Systems: What differencedoes it make?
Abstract: ML-based systems are different to traditional software systems in many respects. These differences have triggered the need for customized solutions in various disciplines, such as software architecture and testing. This keynote explores to what extent requirements engineering is also affected when the system under specification is an ML-based system. Special attention will be given to the scope of requirements, the types of non-functional requirements that emerge, and the roles involved in this context. The keynote will revise the current state of the art and provide future directions for the discipline.
Speaker: Xavier Franch
Xavier Franch is full professor at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain, where he leads the GESSI research group. He works on different topics related to software engineering, mainly in the requirements engineering area. He is member of the Academia Europaea, Steering Committee chair of the CAiSE conference, vice-chair of the IREB Council, and member of the ISERN network. He is editorial board member of IST, JSS, REJ, and Computing.
When: Wednesday, November 29th, 3:00 pm
Where: room A1.6, Edificio Alan Turing