EECI Course: 4-8 April Cyber-Physical systems control: Algebraic and Optimization techniques.

During the first week of April (4-8) 2016 Prof. Raphael Jungers, FNRS and ICTEAM Institute – UCLouvain, Belgium, will take a PhD Course EECI organized by the DEWS at the meeting Room (Alan Turing Bulding).

Cyber-Physical systems control: Algebraic and Optimization techniques.

Abstract: Modern control systems are more and more complex. Not only are they impacted by increasingly involved and multiple constraints (sustainability, privacy, security, resilence, etc.), they are also subject to the increasingly complex nature of computation technology (embedded, decentralized, hybrid, crowdsourced,…). Such systems are often coined under the name of Cyber-Physical systems.

Often, these nonidealities make the classical control techniques fail, either because they become poorly efficient, or because they simply do not work in these new environments.  The course will survey several advanced techniques whose goal is to bypass these difficulties. These techniques rely on strong theoretical bases from Mathematics or Computer Science.

We will survey both models and optimization/computation methods, which are well fit to cope with these nonidealities; finally we will see several important applications which exemplify well the introduced methods. An emphasis will be put on open problems and promising challenges for young researchers.

Web (info):

Web (registration):

N.B. Il corso è gratuito per gli studenti dei nostri corsi di laurea magistrale, i quali dovranno comunque effettuare la registrazione tramite il link sopra indicato.

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