Seminar on Power System Control Services by Demand Side Management of Smart Buildings

Lunedì 11 Aprile, alle ore 12:00, presso la Sala Riunioni dell’Edificio Alan Turing, il Prof. Federico Silvestro, IEES Lab – DITEN, Università degli studi di Genova, terrà un seminario dal titolo: Power System Control Services by Demand Side Management of Smart Buildings Abstract: Flexibility in management of electric distribution networks is more and more important due to large penetration of […]

EECI Course: 4-8 April Cyber-Physical systems control: Algebraic and Optimization techniques.

During the first week of April (4-8) 2016 Prof. Raphael Jungers, FNRS and ICTEAM Institute – UCLouvain, Belgium, will take a PhD Course EECI organized by the DEWS at the meeting Room (Alan Turing Bulding). Cyber-Physical systems control: Algebraic and Optimization techniques. Abstract: Modern control systems are more and more complex. Not only are they impacted by increasingly involved and multiple constraints […]

EECI Graduate School: March 21-24, 2016. Tools for nonlinear control, Lyapunov function, positivity, applications.

From March 21st to March 24th, 2016, Prof. Frédéric Mazenc (Inria, Paris-Saclay, France) will give the following course at the University of L’Aquila for the EECI Graduate School on Control: Tools for nonlinear control, Lyapunov function, positivity, applications. Abstract: We will present fundamental results pertaining to ordinary differential equations, discrete-time systems and nonlinear control theory. In particular, we will review the notion of Lyapunov […]