Seminars on PhD research activities: “Modeling, Design and Implementation of Mixed-Criticality Cyber Physical systems” PhD Student: Vittoriano Muttilo Time: Thursday, June 16, 11:00AM Location: Room A1.1 (Coppito, Blocco 0) Title: Modeling, Design and Implementation of MixedCriticality Cyber Physical systems For more info: Abstract Vittoriano Muttillo
TIW16 Summer School on Beyond 5G Communications
The summer school “Beyond 5G Communications” will be held on September 12-14, 2016 in Livorno, Italy. Target audience: PhD students and young researchers working in the field of ICT are warmly invited to attend the Summer School incorporated into the TIW16. Abstract: Today, cellular networks stakeholders are ramping up their activities on “5G”; and, as for previous generations of cellular systems, we witness […]
Seminar on “A Mathematical Model for Ghrelin: Energy homeostasis and appetite control”
Seminar on “A Mathematical Model for Ghrelin: Energy homeostasis and appetite control” PhD Student: Jorge G. Pires Title: A Mathematical Model for Ghrelin: Energy homeostasis and appetite control Time: Thursday, June 16, 10:00AM Location: Room C.3.16, Coppito 2 building For more info: Jorge G. Pires website
Seminars on PhD research activities: Monitoring actions on cyber-physical systems
Seminars on PhD research activities: Monitoring actions on cyber-physical systems. PhD Student: Giacomo Valente Time: Thursday, May 26, 15:00PM Location: Room A1.4 (Coppito, Blocco 0) Title: Monitoring actions on cyber-physical systems Abstract: Today there is a growing interest toward technologies able to support the development of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). CPS are heterogeneous systems and are generally characterized by functional and […]
Seminar on Robust and probabilistic D-stability analysis of uncertain polynomial matrices
Wednesday, May 18, 2016, 14:30, Prof. Dario PIGA (IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca) will give the following seminar: Robust and probabilistic D-stability analysis of uncertain polynomial matrices. Abstract. In the seminar, a novel approach to verify robust D-stability of a class of uncertain matrices will be presented. Specifically, the entries of the considered uncertain matrices depend polynomially on some parameters, which belong to a bounded […]
Seminars on PhD research activities on telecommunications: next seminars
Seminars on PhD research activities on telecommunications: — Calendar — — May 19, 15:00 p.m. “Aging Aware Channel Access Control for Wireless Networks with Energy Harvesting”, Roberto Valentini — May 26, 15:00 p.m. “Monitoring Actions on Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems”, Giacomo Valente — TBD “Requirements, Standards and Solutions for IEEE 802.11p-based Vehicular Networks”, Elena Cinque — June 16, 15:00 p.m. […]
Seminars on PhD research activities on telecommunications: Aging Aware Channel Access Control for Wireless Networks with Energy Harvesting
PhD Student: Roberto Valentini Time: Thursday, May 19, 15:00PM Location: Room A1.4 (Coppito, Blocco 0) Title: Aging Aware Channel Access Control for Wireless Networks with Energy Harvesting Abstract: Energy harvesting is arising as a key technology in wireless systems, allowing continuous and prolonged operations. However, the bursty nature of the energy arrival process associated with renewable sources and the energy usage […]
Lectures in Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) course: Prof. Paul Klint (CWI Amsterdam), May 3-5, 2016
Two Lectures in Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) , May 3 and May 5, 2016, 9:00-11:00, by Paul Klint (CWI Amsterdam) Topics: 1. Overall motivation for and design of the Rascal metaprogramming language 2. Various simple examples 3. Various applications 4. The M3 metrics metamodel for source metrics computations 5. Grammarware versus modelware: grammars are based on trees while modelware is usually based on graphs. Can […]
EECI Seminar: May 4, 2016. Prof. Antoine Chaillet (Univ. Paris Sud – L2S – CentraleSupelec)
Wednesday, May 4th, 2016, 11:30 AM, Prof. Antoine Chaillet (Univ. Paris Sud – L2S – CentraleSupelec) will give the following seminar: Stability and robustness analysis of spatiotemporal delayed dynamics with application to feedback attenuation of pathological brain oscillations. Abstract. Several disorders are related to pathological brain oscillations. In the case of Parkinson’s disease, sustained low-frequency oscillations (especially in the beta-band, 13–30Hz) correlate […]
Seminars on PhD research activities on telecommunications: An Analytical Method for Performance Evaluation of Digital Transparent Satellite Processors
PhD Student: Vincenzo Sulli Time: Thursday, April 28, 12:00PM Location: “Scienze Ambientali” meeting room (Coppito 1, last floor) Title: An Analytical Method for Performance Evaluation of Digital Transparent Satellite Processors Abstract: Current perspectives for satellite communications are massively envisaging the introduction of a new generation of satellites based on semi-transparent transponder architectures. In this frame, technological constraints related to […]