Seminar:”Data Predictive Control for Energy CPS”

Title: Data Predictive Control for Energy CPS Where: Alan Turing building (formerly, Coppito 0). Room A1.6 (first floor). When: Tuesday 12 July, 1o:00 am Speakers: Achin Jain (PhD student @UPENN University – Philadelphia) Abstract: Decisions on how best to optimize today’s energy systems operations are becoming ever so complex and conflicting such that model-based predictive control algorithms must play a key role. However, learning dynamical […]

Seminar “Modeling and End-to-end Timing Analysis of Vehicular Embedded Systems at Various Abstraction Levels: Challenges, Recent Results and Future Research Direction”

Title: Modeling and End-to-end Timing Analysis of Vehicular Embedded Systems at Various Abstraction Levels: Challenges, Recent Results and Future Research Direction Where: Alan Turing building (formerly, Coppito 0). Meeting room, III floor When: Friday 08 June, 11:00 am Speakers: Saad Mubeen (Mälardalen University, Sweden) and Alessio Bucaioni (Mälardalen University Sweden and Arcticus Systems Sweden) Abstract: In this seminar we will […]

Seminar “Model- and Component-based Development of Embedded Software in the Vehicle Industry: The Rubus Approach”

Title: Model- and Component-based Development of Embedded Software in the Vehicle Industry: The Rubus Approach Where: Alan Turing building (formerly, Coppito 0). Meeting room, III floor When: Thursday 07 June, 2:30 pm Speaker: Saad Mubeen (Mälardalen University, Sweden) Abstract: This seminar will present an industrial approach for the model- and component-based development of control functionality in vehicular embedded systems. Within this […]