Doctoral Program in INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES July 21, 2017 Meeting Room (2nd floor) – Alan Turing Building (Blocco 0) – Coppito, L’Aquila XXIX Cycle PROGRAM 11:00 – Giovanni Domenico Di Girolamo “Co-design of controllers and information flows in networked control systems”. Advisor: Prof. M.D. Di Benedetto, Co-Advisor: Prof. A. D’Innocenzo 11:45 – Gabriella Fiore “Secure state estimation for Cyber-Physical Systems”. Advisor: Prof. M.D. Di Benedetto, Co-Advisor: Prof. […]
Announcement of call for Ph.D. applications (academic year 2017/2018)
The call for Ph.D applications for the academic year 2017/2017 (Cycle XXXIII) is open! Deadline: August, 24, 2017. For more info click here. Call for applications (italian) Call for applications (english)
Seminar “A Practical Implementation and Simulation of a Hybrid Wireless Sensor Network for Security Monitoring and Surveillance”
Speaker: Prof. Ala Khalifeh (chair of Electrical and Communication Engineering Department at German Jordanian University) When: Thursday, July 6th 2017 — 11am Where: Meeting room, Alan Turing building (Coppito 0). Title: A Practical Implementation and Simulation of a Hybrid Wireless Sensor Network for Security Monitoring and Surveillance Abstract: Wireless sensor networks are widely used in various applications and scenarios of our daily lives. Due to […]
Seminar “Some simple distributed network processes”
Speaker: Luca Trevisan (U.C. Berkeley and Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing) When: WEDNESDAY, June 14th, 2017 — 15:30 – 16:30 Where: Room A1.3, first floor, Alan Turing building (Coppito 0). Title: Some simple distributed network processes Abstract: We will describe network processes in which, at each step, each node communicates with its neighbors, or a random subset of neighbors, and it […]
Seminar “Compressed Sensing and Discrete Optimization, parts I and II”
Speaker: Marc Pfetsch (Research Group Optimization, Dept. of Mathematics, Technische Universität Darmstadt) When: WEDNESDAY, June 14th, 2017 — 11:00 – 13:00 Where: Meeting Room DISIM, Alan Turing building (Coppito 0). Title: Compressed Sensing and Discrete Optimization, parts I and II Abstract: The goal of these talks is to give an overview on compressed sensing from a discrete optimization/geometry point of view. The […]
SIDRA PhD Summer School 2017
The SIDRA PhD Summer School is a one-week annual event organized by SIDRA (Società Italiana Docenti e Ricercatori in Automatica), the Italian Control Systems Society, that takes place in Bertinoro, Forlì-Cesena, Italy, from Monday, July 3rd, 2017 to Saturday, July 8th, 2017. The two themes presented this year are: – “Formal methods for the control of large-scale networked nonlinear systems with logic specifications” […]
2017 IEEE-EURASIP Summer School on Signal Processing (S3P-2017)
The 2017 IEEE-EURASIP Summer School on Signal Processing (S3P-2017), is the 5th edition of a successful series, organized by the IEEE SPS Italy Chapter and the National Telecommunications and Information Technologies Group – GTTI, with the sponsorship of IEEE (S3P program) and EURASIP (Seasonal School Co-Sponsorship agreement). S3P-2017 represents a stimulating environment where top international scientists in signal processing and […]
Course Complementi Di Automatica
Corso Professionalizzante su CONTROLLO STOCASTICO Docente: Prof. Alfredo Germani Lunedi 13 marzo 2017 avrà inizio il Corso Professionalizzante su “Controllo Stocastico” Destinatari del Corso Studenti del Corso di laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Informatica-Automatica che abbiano già frequentato gli insegnamenti di “Identificazione dei Modelli e Analisi dei Dati” e di “Complementi di Automatica”. La partecipazione al corso ed il superamento della […]
Bando Cassini 2017
Organizzazione di giornate di studi italo-francesi rivolto ai dottorandi delle università italiane L’Ambasciata di Francia in Italia propone un bando per dottorandi delle università italiane con lo scopo di sostenere l’organizzazione di giornate di studi italo-francesi e di favorire così le relazioni tra giovani ricercatori italiani e centri di ricerca e università francesi. Queste giornate dovranno coinvolgere almeno due dottorandi/ricercatori/professori provenienti da […]
Seminar “Stability of interconnected uncertain delay systems: a converse Lyapunov approach”
Speaker: Dr. Ihab Haidar (ENSEA-Cergy, France, Laboratoire QUARTZ) When: Monday, January 23rd, 2017 — 3:30pm Where: ROOM A1.5, Alan Turing building (Coppito 0). Title: Stability of interconnected uncertain delay systems: a converse Lyapunov approach Abstract: This talk is interested by the asymptotic stability of interconnected uncertain delay systems. First, a collection of converse Lyapunov-Krasovskii theorems for uncertain linear delay systems, recently developed […]