
Seminari Prof. Keith Clark – Cognitive Robotics Programmingthrough Computational Logic

Keith Clark, Emeritus Professor at Imperial College in London, is visiting our Department up to next Friday May 18. Among the series of seminars about “Cognitive Robotics Programming through Computational Logic”, he will present the following public seminars: Tuesday              May 15 10:30-11:30 “Introduction to Control of Communicating Robotic Agents Using Teleo-Reactive Program” Thursday May 17 14:30-15:30 “Teleo-Reactive Programming with Dynamic […]

Seminar “Optimal control for stochastic reachability with application to quantitative finance”

Speakers: Giordano Pola and Gianni Pola When: April 26th, 2018 — 11:30 – 12:30 am Where: Seminar room, last floor, Alan Turing Building Title: Optimal control for stochastic reachability with application to quantitative finance Abstract: In this talk we first discuss optimal control for reachability problems: given a stochastic nonlinear control system, and a specification expressed as a sequence of desired target sets, we […]

3rd SYSBIO.IT School on Systems Biology (May 9-11, 2018)

The 3rd SYSBIO.IT School on Systems Biology (May 9-11, 2018) is organized by IASI-CNR as part of the research infrastructure SYSBIO.IT. The aim of the 3rd SYSBIO.IT School on Systems Biology is to introduce the mathematical formalisms and the computational methods to model, analyse and simulate biological systems, with a special focus on biochemical reactions frameworks. For more info: SYSBIO.IT School […]

Corso Professionalizzante e di Specializzazione A.A. 2017-18 Sicurezza nelle Reti di Sensori Wireless / Wireless Sensor Networks Security

  Sicurezza nelle Reti di Sensori Wireless / Wireless Sensor Networks Security Recipients: Students of the master’s degree courses in Telecommunications Engineering, Computer and Automatic Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Computer Science. Participation in the course and the achievement of eligibility allow you to acquire 3 CFU in the F typology. Up to a maximum of 30 participants will be admitted, selected […]

EECI Course “Time‐Delay and Sampled‐Data Systems”

Lecturers: Emilia Fridman (School of Electrical Engineering, Tel Aviv University, Israel) and Pierdomenico Pepe (Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics, University of L’Aquila, Italy) When: February, 5th–9th, 2017 Title: Time‐Delay and Sampled‐Data Systems Abstract of the course: Time‐delay appears naturally in many control systems. It is frequently a source of instability although, in some systems, it may have a stabilizing effect. A […]

Seminar “Intellectual Property Value Management”

Intellectual Property Value Management Dott. Ric. Ing. Francesco Rogo – Leonardo Company 21/12/2017 – ore 14.30-17.00 Aula A1.5 Coppito0 Intellectual property (IP) management is a key element in improving the competitiveness of any company. Unfortunately, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) often lack the time, resources, or knowledge to address IP matters. In Italy, often, also large corporations fail to recognize […]

Ciclo di incontri informativi sul tema della valorizzazione dei risultati della ricerca

Il Settore Trasferimento Tecnologico e Partecipazioni dell’Università degli Studi dell’Aquila organizza un ciclo di incontri informativi sul tema della valorizzazione dei risultati della ricerca. Si svolgeranno tre incontri, della durata approssimativa di un’ora, così come seguono: Lunedì 13 novembre, sede di economia Acquasanta, ore 17,00 – Aula 1 La Valorizzazione dei risultati della Ricerca: una miniera di alternative oltre la pubblicazione scientifica IAPADRE: Il […]

Seminar “Bioinspired Machine Learning”

Speaker: Dr. Antonio M. Mora García When:  Wednesday, October 18th 2017 — 2:30pm Where: Meeting room, Alan Turing building (Coppito 0). Title: Bioinspired Machine Learning Abstract: Algorithms inspired by nature compose a branch of Computational Intelligence which have been very successful on the resolution of many different kind of problems. They simulate natural rules based on physics or chemistry, but the most extended methods are those which […]

2018 EECI International Graduate School on Control (co-sponsored by IFAC)

2018 International Graduate School on Control Advance registration deadline: 31 December 2017 ———————————————– The summaries of the courses of the IFAC co-sponsored 2018 EECI International Graduate School on Control, a series of 25 independent graduate week modules can be found here: To register please click:

New call for PhD applications in ICT at University of L’Aquila

The University of L’Aquila offers a number of scholarships for the PhD program in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) at the Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics (DISIM), and the Center of Excellence DEWS. Applications are invited from candidates interested in working in the following topics: Cyber-Physical Systems Networked Control Systems Wireless Sensor Networks Telecommunication Systems Embedded Systems […]