Discovering complex individual and social behavior patterns via Social network Analysis

Speaker: Prof. Pasquale De Meo, Università di Messina When: Wednesday, February 6, 2019 Where: AULA A1.4 COPPITO ZERO Title: Discovering complex individual and social behavior patterns via Social network Analysis Thanks to the availability of user profiles and records of activity, online social network analysis is relevant to discover complex individual and social behavior patterns. The emergence of trust between […]

Seminar “Facing Uncertainty in Complex Cyber-Physical System Design”

Speaker: Malina Software Corp. (Canada), Simula Research Laboratory (Norway), Monash University (Australia) When: Thursday, February 7, 2019 Where: room Alan Turing, Coppito Zero (Blocco 0) Title: Facing Uncertainty in Complex CPS Design ABSTRACT: The unprecedented complexity of many modern-day cyber-physical systems (CPS) requires changes in how we design and develop such systems. Traditional methods were typically based on the assumption that a capable and responsible […]