ICT Seminar “Analysis and Experimental Characterization of Channel Congestion Control in Vehicular Networks”
Speaker: Elena Cinque (postdoc research fellow at DISIM)
When: Thursday June 14, 2018, 15:00-15:30
Where: room 2.5 (Coppito 1, 2nd floor)
Title: Analysis and Experimental Characterization of Channel Congestion Control in Vehicular Networks
Abstract: Vehicular communication technologies are the enabling factor for development of smart mobility applications. Current solutions proposed by standard organizations support short and medium range communications, based on IEEE 802.11p for delay-sensitive applications and on cellular networking for integrated data management over large areas. This distinction could be overcome by the unifying paradigm of 5G. Mobility services require a continuous exchange of awareness messages among vehicles and road infrastructure elements, mainly for safety applications.
Whatever communication technology is used, a basic requirement for the effectiveness and reliability of safety applications is the radio channel availability for dissemination of information among network elements.
In this seminar we describe our ongoing activities of study, analysis, and experimentation about channel congestion evaluation and control strategies, relying both on real devices and simulation environments. The proposed framework of tools and current activities can provide a good base for modeling complex urban scenarios in a perfect context for testing, like the city of L’Aquila, that aims at being reconceived as a modern smart city, and has been selected for 5G experimentation.
Upcoming seminars:
- Thursday June 21, 2018, 15:00-15:30: Caslav Stefanovic (visiting postdoc at DISIM), Performance Evaluation of Cooperative Communications over Fading Channels in Vehicular Networks;
- Thursday June 28, 2018, 15:00-15:30: Sandro Chiocchio (PhD student at DISIM), Modeling and performance analysis of advanced detection architectures for ADS-B signals in high interference environments;
- Thursday July 5, 2018, 15:00-15:30: Elena Cinque (postdoc research fellow at DISIM), Toward a Standard-Compliant Implementation for Consensus Algorithms in Vehicular Networks;
- Thursday July 12, 2018, 15:00-15:30: Arianna Persia (PhD student at DISIM), Integrated Simulation Environments for Vehicular Communications in Cooperative Road Transportation Systems.