Prof. Carlo Fischione (Royal Institute of Technology – KTH, Sweden) will give two classes on Monday 15 and Tuesday 16, from 2 pm to 6 pm in Aula Seminari DISIM (Alan Turing Building), on the following topics: Title: Fundamentals of Machine Learning over Networks Lecturer: Prof. Carlo Fischione Abstract: This course covers fundamentals of machine learning over networks (MLoNs). It […]
Lectio Magistralis at the GSSI on Software Heritage by Stefano Zacchiroli
Schedule: 24 April, 11.30 – 12.30 Place: GSSI – Main Lecture Hall, v. Francesco Crispi 7 Speaker: Stefano ZacchiroliIRIF, Université Paris Diderot / Inria / IRILL, Paris, France Title: “Software Heritage: source code analysis at the scale of the world” Abstract: The Software Heritage project has assembled the largest existing archive of publicly available software source code and associated development history, for […]
Collaborative and Confidential Information Sharing and Analysis for Cyber Protection
Speaker: Rogerio de Lemos, University of Kent, UKWhen: Wednesday, April 03rdWhere: Sala Riunioni di Matematica, Coppito I building at: 2:30 PM Abstract:Analysing cyber threat information (CTI) provides organisations with valuable intelligence about which of their systems are being attacked, and who is attacking them. If organisations could pool their CTI then it is quite likely that other, possibly low level, distributed […]
Towards Compositional Transformations for Dependability Analysis of Evolving and Reconfigurable Systems
Speaker: Kristof Marussy, Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group, University of BudapestWhen: Tuesday, March 19, 3:15PM Where: Aula 1.7 (Coppito 1)Title: Towards Compositional Transformations for Dependability Analysis of Evolving and Reconfigurable Systems Abstract: Evaluation of the reliability and performance of variable and adaptable architectures as well as the co-evolution of architectures and analyses remains difficult. Evolving system structure often requires repeated […]
Seminar “Telecommunications Services and Network Architecture Evolution”
Speaker: Gianfranco Ciccarella (consultant on Telecommunication Strategy, IP Services and IP Networks) When: June 26, 2018 — 10:30 am Where: Meeting room (Alan Turing building) Title: Telecommunications Services and Network Architecture Evolution Abstract: The Telecommunications Industry scenario to date, the main drivers for the transformation and the target architecture for application services (the services “used” by End Users) and network services (the services that provide the connectivity, […]
Seminar “From classical computing to quantum computing “
In the framework of the Erasmus+ bilateral agreement between our Department and the University “Stefan cel Mare” of Suceava (Romania), Prof. Adina Barila and Prof. Mirela Danubianu are visiting our department this week (22–25 May). Speaker: Prof. Adina Barila Affiliation: University “Stefan cel Mare” of Suceava, Romania. Date: Thursday, 24th May 2018 Time: 10.15 Place: Seminar Room, “Alan Turing” building Title: […]
3rd SYSBIO.IT School on Systems Biology (May 9-11, 2018)
The 3rd SYSBIO.IT School on Systems Biology (May 9-11, 2018) is organized by IASI-CNR as part of the research infrastructure SYSBIO.IT. The aim of the 3rd SYSBIO.IT School on Systems Biology is to introduce the mathematical formalisms and the computational methods to model, analyse and simulate biological systems, with a special focus on biochemical reactions frameworks. For more info: SYSBIO.IT School […]
Seminar “Intellectual Property Value Management”
Intellectual Property Value Management Dott. Ric. Ing. Francesco Rogo – Leonardo Company 21/12/2017 – ore 14.30-17.00 Aula A1.5 Coppito0 Intellectual property (IP) management is a key element in improving the competitiveness of any company. Unfortunately, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) often lack the time, resources, or knowledge to address IP matters. In Italy, often, also large corporations fail to recognize […]
Seminar “Bioinspired Machine Learning”
Speaker: Dr. Antonio M. Mora García When: Wednesday, October 18th 2017 — 2:30pm Where: Meeting room, Alan Turing building (Coppito 0). Title: Bioinspired Machine Learning Abstract: Algorithms inspired by nature compose a branch of Computational Intelligence which have been very successful on the resolution of many different kind of problems. They simulate natural rules based on physics or chemistry, but the most extended methods are those which […]
Seminar “A Practical Implementation and Simulation of a Hybrid Wireless Sensor Network for Security Monitoring and Surveillance”
Speaker: Prof. Ala Khalifeh (chair of Electrical and Communication Engineering Department at German Jordanian University) When: Thursday, July 6th 2017 — 11am Where: Meeting room, Alan Turing building (Coppito 0). Title: A Practical Implementation and Simulation of a Hybrid Wireless Sensor Network for Security Monitoring and Surveillance Abstract: Wireless sensor networks are widely used in various applications and scenarios of our daily lives. Due to […]