GPU-Programming with CUDA
Short course on GPU programming. The instructor will be Marius Brehler from Dortmund University (Germany), and a course summary is available here. Schedule: – Session 1: Monday, May 20, 14:30 – 17:30, Meeting room of Alan Turing building; – Session 2: Tuesday, May 21, 14:30 – 17:30, Meeting room of Alan Turing building; – Session 3: Wednesday, May 22, 14:30 – 17:30, Room to be defined.
Seminar “Facing Uncertainty in Complex Cyber-Physical System Design”
Speaker: Malina Software Corp. (Canada), Simula Research Laboratory (Norway), Monash University (Australia) When: Thursday, February 7, 2019 Where: room Alan Turing, Coppito Zero (Blocco 0) Title: Facing Uncertainty in Complex CPS Design ABSTRACT: The unprecedented complexity of many modern-day cyber-physical systems (CPS) requires changes in how we design and develop such systems. Traditional methods were typically based on the assumption that a capable and responsible […]
Corso Professionalizzante e di Specializzazione A.A. 2017-18 Sicurezza nelle Reti di Sensori Wireless / Wireless Sensor Networks Security
Sicurezza nelle Reti di Sensori Wireless / Wireless Sensor Networks Security Recipients: Students of the master’s degree courses in Telecommunications Engineering, Computer and Automatic Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Computer Science. Participation in the course and the achievement of eligibility allow you to acquire 3 CFU in the F typology. Up to a maximum of 30 participants will be admitted, selected […]
2018 EECI International Graduate School on Control (co-sponsored by IFAC)
2018 International Graduate School on Control Advance registration deadline: 31 December 2017 ———————————————– The summaries of the courses of the IFAC co-sponsored 2018 EECI International Graduate School on Control, a series of 25 independent graduate week modules can be found here: To register please click: