Seminars delivered by Prof. Rafael Bordini

Prof. Rafael Bordini, a worldwide expert in the topic of engineering and implementation of autonomous intelligent systems, will be delivering a series of seminars, which are detailed below, together with a short CV of the speaker.

Location: Sala Riunioni di Palazzo Turing (Coppito Zero).​



First seminar:​ Engineering Intelligent Interactive Systems with Multi-Agent Oriented Programming​

When: Tuesday, December 17th, 9:30am​

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In this talk, I briefly overview work recently conducted by my research group ​ on extending platforms for the engineering and development of multi-agent systems ​ named Jason and JaCaMo so they incorporate various AI techniques. ​ In particular, work on the integration of Argumentation Theory and ​ Ontological Reasoning into those programming platform is briefly presented. ​ I also mention in this talk some of our target applications, ​ including healthcare, autonomous vehicles and disaster rescue. ​ To conclude, I discuss future directions on the combination of various ​ AI techniques into multi-agent oriented programming and the impact they ​ could have on the engineering and development of intelligent interactive systems.​ ​



Second seminar (in two parts):​ A Tutorial on Engineering Intelligent Systems with JaCaMo​

When: Wednesday, December 17th, 11:30am (first part) and 14:30pm (second part)

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In this tutorial we will present the main features of a platform for ​ the development of intelligent autonomous agents and multi-agent systems,​ and of autonomous systems in general. ​ The platform is based on Jason for the development of individual agents, ​ CArtAgO for the development of shared environments, and Moise ​ for the development of agent organisations that can be used to regulate the joint ​ work of multiple autonomous agents. The tutorial is divided into two parts. ​ The first covers the required conceptual notions and the second is a more practical​ session on using the programming platform.​ ​



Rafael Bordini’s short CV

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Rafael Bordini is an associate professor at PUCRS​ (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brasil), ​ a post he has hald since March 2012, and is currently on a sabbatical period ​ at the Universities of Genoa and Oxford funded by CAPES​ (a Brazilian federal government agency under the Ministry of Education). ​ He obtained a PhD in Computer Science from University College London in 1999. ​ Rafael Bordini is an emeritus member of the Board of Directors of the ​ International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (IFAAMAS) ​ and emeritus member of the board of directors of the European Association for ​ Multi-Agent Systems (EURAMAS). He was programme co-chair for the main ​ Agents conference (AAMAS) in 2015, and has served as SPC or PC for ​ all top AI and Agents conferences (including IJCAI, AAMAS, AAAI, ECAI). ​ He has published over 100 conference papers and 25 journal papers; ​ according to Google Scholar his h-index is 38. ​ His main research interests are in programming languages and ​ verification techniques for autonomous software systems, ​ particularly multi-agent systems, as well as the integration of AI techniques ​ such as multi-agent planning, argumentation, and ontologies into ​ multi-agent programming. The main target applications are in the use of AI ​ for the social good and sustainability, in particular human-robot teamwork ​ in disaster rescue scenarios and healthcare.

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