PhD ICT Thesis Defense Announcement: Nabila Karania & Francesco Simonetti (XXXVI cycle) – July 25th

Dear all,

I am pleased to announce that next week, on July 25th, Nabila Karania and Francesco Simonetti (XXXVI cycle) will defend their theses in front of the National Committees. The discussions will be held in hybrid mode in “Aula Seminari, Blocco 0” and via MS Teams.

Anyone interested is invited to join. The sessions will be accessible on the team named PHD ICT – Student Presentations, using the code 9y06sdz, according to the following schedule:

9:00 – 9:45: Nabila Karania, “Control of Shunt Active Photovoltaic Compensator for Smart Grids
Supervisor: Prof. S. Di Gennaro
Co-supervisors: Prof. Mohamed Alaaeddin Alali, Prof. Jean-Pierre Barbot
Link: [1]

11:00 – 11:45: Francesco Simonetti, “Direct Model Predictive Control of Cascaded H-Bridge Inverters
Supervisor: Prof. C. Cecati
Co-supervisors: Prof. A. D’Innocenzo
Link: [2]

Please share this invitation with anyone who might be interested.

All the best,




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