International Graduate School on Control (EECI-IGSC-2017)

The European Embedded Control Institute (EECI) is founded in 2006 in the framework of the HYCON Network of Excellence (FP6-IST-511368), a funded EC project from September 2004 to September 2008. EECI is a “lightweight” association (under the French Association Law 1901), based on volunteer work by its members. The EECI offers a legal structure for the Knowledge Community of Networked and Embedded Control.

Since the creation of EECI, IGSC Program is organized every year where independent modules on different topics of networked and embedded control are taught, one 21-hours module per week.

Our department will be hosting the Module M14 “Modeling, analysis and design of wireless sensor and actuator networks”, held by Carlo Fischione (KTH, Stockholm) and Alessandro D’Innocenzo (University of L’Aquila) from April 18th to April 21th 2017.

Please note that the deadline for advanced registration is coming soon (December 28th 2016).

Course Summaries of the 2017 International Graduate School on Control Pre-program

For more info: EECI-IGSC website

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