Introduction to Quantum Computing
Title: Introduction to Quantum Computing
Leonardo Guidoni (Univaq)
Francesco Benfenati (Univaq)
Hands on tutorial lead by Experts from IBM
Abstract: The present short course is a joint PhD course between the PhD in Mathematics and Models and the PhD in Informatics. The aim of the short course is to provide to students with background in mathematics and informatics the foundation of quantum computation. The course will consist of theoretical lectures as well as hands-on tutorial in a computer laboratory lead by the Quantum Computing experts from IBM-Italia.
Arguments: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics and Qubits. Quantum circuits and algorithms. Single and double Qubit gates with examples. Present and future applications. General overview on perspective of quantum computation and practical implementation of algorithms on the IBM-Q quantum computer and simulator.
Lectures (13 hours):
- January 28th 14.30–16.30 Room 1.1
- February 4th 14.30–16.30 Room 1.1
- February 10th 15.00–18.00 Room 1.1
- February 20th 11.00-13.00 Computer Lab DSFC
- February 26th 11.00-13.00 + 14.30-16.30 Computer Lab DSFC