New call for PhD applications in ICT at the University of L’Aquila
The University of L’Aquila offers a number of scholarships for the PhD program in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) at the Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics (DISIM), and the Center of Excellence DEWS.
Applications are invited from candidates interested in working in the following topics:
- Cyber-Physical Systems
- Networked Control Systems
- Wireless Sensor Networks
- Telecommunication Systems
- Embedded Systems
- HW/SW on-chip systems
- Smart Grids
- Energy Systems
- Algorithms and architectures for computation and optimization
- Software Engineering
- Model-driven engineering
- Artificial Intelligence
Our PhD program in ICT offers the opportunity to spend training periods in world-wide renowned schools of excellence, such as University of California at Berkeley, University of California at Los Angeles, University of Pennsylvania, CINVESTAV, University of Guadalajara, Swedish Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), ETH Zurich, University College London, Carnegie Mellon University, University of Cambridge, Lehigh University, Harbin Institute of Technology, University of Tabriz, with which the University of L’Aquila has formal institutional agreements.
The deadline to submit your application is August 24, 2018.
You can find more information about our PhD program in ICT here.
Call for applications (italian)
Call for applications (english)