
American Model Predictive Control Summer School 2017

A four-day, eight-speaker American Summer School on Model Predictive Control (MPC) has been organized by Sasa V. Rakovic, James B. Rawlings and Ilya V. Kolmanovsky. The first American Summer School of MPC will be held at the University of Wisconsin-Madison from July 25, 2017 to July 28, 2017. The American Summer School on MPC aims to enable up to 40 […]

International Graduate School on Control (EECI-IGSC-2017)

The European Embedded Control Institute (EECI) is founded in 2006 in the framework of the HYCON Network of Excellence (FP6-IST-511368), a funded EC project from September 2004 to September 2008. EECI is a “lightweight” association (under the French Association Law 1901), based on volunteer work by its members. The EECI offers a legal structure for the Knowledge Community of Networked […]

International Software Architecture PhD School (ISAPS 2017)

The International Software Architecture PhD School (ISAPS) is a four-day intensive workshop that will provide young researchers and practicing architects from industry the opportunity to learn from the leaders in the field the most recent methods, tools, and theories produced by top research groups around the world and in industrial environments. For whom: For young researchers and practicing software architects. […]

Seminario: On stability of time-inhomogeneous Markov jump linear systems

Si comunica che il giorno Mercoledì 7 Dicembre alle ore 17.00 presso l’aula Aula A1.5 (Coppito 0),  il dottorando Yuriy Zacchia Lun terrà un seminario dal titolo: On stability of time-inhomogeneous Markov jump linear systems   Abstract: Discrete-time time-inhomogeneous (DTTI) Markov jump linear systems (MJLS) are linear systems subject to abrupt parameter changes, with modal transitions governed by a DTTI finite-state Markov chain. This type of Markov chain […]

Seminar announcement: Dr. Andre Bondi (Visiting Professor at DISIM)

Speaker: Dr. Andre Bondi (Visiting Professor at DISIM) When: Tuesday, December 6, 2016 — 2:30pm Where: Alan Turing building, Seminar Room. Title: Predicting the Time to Migration into Deadlock for a Performance Antipattern Using a Discrete Time Markov Chain Abstract: When processes join a common FCFS queue to acquire or release resources in an object pool of fixed size, deadlock occurs […]

Seminar announcement: Prof. Alberto Fernández Oliva (University of Havana, Cuba)

Speaker: Prof. Alberto Fernández Oliva (University of Havana, Cuba) When: Thursday, November 24, 2016 — 3pm Where: Sala seminari DISIM (Alan Turing Building) Title: Rough Set applied to outliers detection Abstract: Rough Set Theory plays an important role when reasoning is performed on imprecise data. This approach is based on the knowledge that an agent has about a certain reality and on their ability to […]

III Call for Application – Erasmus Mundus MAYANET

MAYANET (Mobility As keY for quAlity eNhancement of EU and LA univErsiTies) is a scholarship program for students on undergraduate, master, doctoral and post-doctoral level, as well as for university staff in academic or administrative positions, financed by the European Commission. Further information and the third call for application can be found here: Erasmus Mundus MAYANET

Seminar Announcement: Prof. L. A. Gąsieniec @ GSSI

Speaker: Prof. Leszek Antoni Gąsieniec (University of Liverpool) When: Tuesday, September 27, 2016 — 3pm Where: GSSI Main Lecture Hall Title: Deterministic Majority/Plurality Consensus Protocols Abstract: We study space-optimal population protocols for several variants of the majority and plurality consensus problems. We start with an important amendment allowing majority population protocols to report equality if neither of the original colours […]

Giacomo Valente “Young Professional event” Prize

Si vuole segnalare che il dottorando Giacomo Valente si è aggiudicato il premio “Young Professional Event” alla conferenza IEEE International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry (RTSI 2016):   Ha presentato un poster relativo ad un sistema di monitoraggio “customizzabile” per system-on-chip e una demo live dove tale sistema è stato usato per l’identificazione di stalli senza […]