
Seminario su public speaking e presentazione [New Date]

Speaker: Valeriano Salve When: Wednesday February 13, 2019, 15:00-17:00 Where: Aula C1.10 – Piano terra Coppito 2 Title: Gli strumenti della comunicazione in pubblico Abstract: Molti ricercatori si trovano nel corso della loro vita di studio o di lavoro a dover tenere delle conferenze o corsi in pubblico e l’aspetto del materiale che viene presentato è spesso trascurato o di poca efficacia perché non si conoscono […]

ICT Seminar “Characterizing control loops over Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Wireless Communication”

Speaker: Amal Alrish (PhD student at DISIM) When: Thursday July 19, 2018, 15:30-16:00 Where: room 2.5 (Coppito 1, 2nd floor) Title: Characterizing control loops over Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Wireless Communication Abstract: The established wireless networking standards for industrial automation, WirelessHART and ISA-100 have been used widely for control and monitoring applications adopted in the previous years. However, they both rely on centralized network configuration […]

Seminars on drones and computer vision

There will be two seminars tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, held by our two guests from   BISITE (   UAVs, drones and computer vision Dr. Pablo Chamoso Tuesday , 17 july 15.00-17.00 Room D4.2 – Blocco 11   Computer vision, face recognition, emotion recognition Dr. Alfonso Gonzáles Briones Wednesday, 18 july 15.00-17.00 Room D4.2 – Blocco 11   Who is interested on […]

New call for PhD applications in ICT at the University of L’Aquila

The University of L’Aquila offers a number of scholarships for the PhD program in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) at the Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics (DISIM), and the Center of Excellence DEWS. Applications are invited from candidates interested in working in the following topics: Cyber-Physical Systems Networked Control Systems Wireless Sensor Networks Telecommunication Systems Embedded Systems […]

ICT Seminar “Integrated Simulation Environments for Vehicular Communications in Cooperative Road Transportation Systems”

Speaker: Arianna Persia (PhD student at DISIM) When: Thursday July 19, 2018, 15:00-15:30 Where: room 2.5 (Coppito 1, 2nd floor) Title: Integrated Simulation Environments for Vehicular Communications in Cooperative Road Transportation Systems Abstract: Pervasive digital technologies and wireless communications are the key enablers for the “smart” evolution of transportation systems, where the current development trend is oriented to increase the level of safety and comfort […]

Seminar “Telecommunications Services and Network Architecture Evolution”

Speaker: Gianfranco Ciccarella (consultant on Telecommunication Strategy, IP Services and IP Networks) When: June 26, 2018 — 10:30 am Where: Meeting room (Alan Turing building) Title: Telecommunications Services and Network Architecture Evolution Abstract: The Telecommunications Industry scenario to date, the main drivers for the transformation and the target architecture for application services (the  services “used” by End Users) and network services (the services that provide the connectivity, […]

ICT Seminar “Modeling and performance analysis of advanced detection architectures for ADS-B signals in high interference environments”

Speaker: Sandro Chiocchio (PhD student at DISIM) When: Thursday July 5, 2018, 15:00-15:30 Where: room 2.5 (Coppito 1, 2nd floor) Title: Modeling and performance analysis of advanced detection architectures for ADS-B signals in high interference environments Abstract: The RTCA (Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics) DO-260B document has stimulated in latest years the adoption of novel algorithms to improve the ability of receivers to detect and […]

ICT Seminar “Performance Evaluation of Cooperative Communications over Fading Channels in Vehicular Networks”

Speaker: Caslav Stefanovic (visiting postdoc) When: Thursday June 21, 2018, 15:00-15:30 Where: room 2.5 (Coppito 1, 2nd floor) Title: Performance Evaluation of Cooperative Communications over Fading Channels in Vehicular Networks Abstract: This seminar provides channel modeling and performance evaluation study of vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and  vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) cooperative communications in urban non-line-of-sight (NLOS) multipath fading environments. The proposed model investigates three different scenarios: i) V2V communications […]

ICT Seminar “Analysis and Experimental Characterization of Channel Congestion Control in Vehicular Networks”

Speaker: Elena Cinque (postdoc research fellow at DISIM) When: Thursday June 14, 2018, 15:00-15:30 Where: room 2.5 (Coppito 1, 2nd floor) Title: Analysis and Experimental Characterization of Channel Congestion Control in Vehicular Networks Abstract: Vehicular communication technologies are the enabling factor for development of smart mobility applications. Current solutions proposed by standard organizations support short and medium range communications, based on IEEE 802.11p […]

Seminar “From classical computing to quantum computing “

In the framework of the Erasmus+ bilateral agreement between our Department and the University “Stefan cel Mare” of Suceava (Romania), Prof. Adina Barila and Prof. Mirela Danubianu are visiting our department this week (22–25 May). Speaker: Prof. Adina Barila Affiliation: University “Stefan cel Mare” of Suceava, Romania. Date:  Thursday, 24th May 2018 Time:  10.15 Place: Seminar Room, “Alan Turing” building Title: […]