
GPU-Programming with CUDA

Short course on GPU programming. The instructor will be Marius Brehler from Dortmund University (Germany), and a course summary is available here.  Schedule: – Session 1: Monday, May 20,   14:30 – 17:30,          Meeting room of Alan Turing building; – Session 2: Tuesday, May 21,   14:30 – 17:30,          Meeting room of Alan Turing building; – Session 3: Wednesday, May   22, 14:30 – 17:30,    Room to be defined.

Two seminars on Robotics and Automotive

Title: Effective and User-friendly Specification of Multi-Robot MissionsWhen: Wednesday 24, April 15:00-16:00Where: Aula seminari, blocco 0  Abstract: Mobile robots are increasingly used in everyday life to autonomously realize missions such as exploring rooms, delivering goods, or following certain paths for surveillance. The current robotic market is asking for a radical shift in the development of robotic applications where mission specification […]

GSSI Seminar by Adrian Rutle

When: Wednesday, April 17, 2019, 15:00  Where: Library Room, GSSI Title: Model Repair with Reinforcement LearningSeminar by Prof. Adrian Rutle, Department of Computing, Mathematics and Physics – Western Norway University of Applied Sciences Abstract:Model Driven Engineering is an emerging branch of Software Engineering used to handle complex and evolving software systems. The industrial demand is quite high and with the increasing use of Model-Based Development in […]

Seminar by Luca Berardinelli on “Model-Driven Engineering in Practice at Braintribe: tools, challenges, and collaborations”

When: Tuesday, April 16th, 11AM Where: Meeting Room, “Alan Turing” building Title: Model-Driven Engineering in Practice at Braintribe: tools, challenges, and collaborations.    Summary: Braintribe ( is a SME founded in 2005, with around 70 employees, located in Vienna, Zurich, Belgrade, Bratislava, London, Sao Paolo, and Frankfurt. Braintribe provides two main products, Tribefire and Datapedia that are horizontal, cross-domain modeling/metamodeling […]

Seminars Prof. Carlo Fischione, Monday 15 and Tuesday 16, from 2 pm to 6 pm

Prof. Carlo Fischione (Royal Institute of Technology – KTH, Sweden) will give two classes on Monday 15 and Tuesday 16, from 2 pm to 6 pm in Aula Seminari DISIM (Alan Turing Building), on the following topics: Title: Fundamentals of Machine Learning over Networks Lecturer: Prof. Carlo Fischione Abstract: This course covers fundamentals of machine learning over networks (MLoNs). It […]

Lectio Magistralis at the GSSI on Software Heritage by Stefano Zacchiroli

Schedule: 24 April, 11.30 – 12.30 Place: GSSI – Main Lecture Hall, v. Francesco Crispi 7 Speaker: Stefano ZacchiroliIRIF, Université Paris Diderot / Inria / IRILL, Paris, France Title: “Software Heritage: source code analysis at the scale of the world” Abstract: The Software Heritage project has assembled the largest existing archive of publicly available software source code and associated development history, for […]

Collaborative and Confidential Information Sharing and Analysis for Cyber Protection

Speaker: Rogerio de Lemos, University of Kent, UKWhen: Wednesday, April 03rdWhere: Sala Riunioni di Matematica, Coppito I building at: 2:30 PM Abstract:Analysing cyber threat information (CTI) provides organisations with valuable intelligence about which of their systems are being attacked, and who is attacking them. If organisations could pool their CTI then it is quite likely that other, possibly low level, distributed […]

Towards Compositional Transformations for Dependability Analysis of Evolving and Reconfigurable Systems

Speaker: Kristof Marussy, Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group, University of BudapestWhen: Tuesday, March 19, 3:15PM Where: Aula 1.7 (Coppito 1)Title: Towards Compositional Transformations for Dependability Analysis of Evolving and Reconfigurable Systems Abstract: Evaluation of the reliability and performance of variable and adaptable architectures as well as the co-evolution of architectures and analyses remains difficult. Evolving system structure often requires repeated […]

Discovering complex individual and social behavior patterns via Social network Analysis

Speaker: Prof. Pasquale De Meo, Università di Messina When: Wednesday, February 6, 2019 Where: AULA A1.4 COPPITO ZERO Title: Discovering complex individual and social behavior patterns via Social network Analysis Thanks to the availability of user profiles and records of activity, online social network analysis is relevant to discover complex individual and social behavior patterns. The emergence of trust between […]

Seminar “Facing Uncertainty in Complex Cyber-Physical System Design”

Speaker: Malina Software Corp. (Canada), Simula Research Laboratory (Norway), Monash University (Australia) When: Thursday, February 7, 2019 Where: room Alan Turing, Coppito Zero (Blocco 0) Title: Facing Uncertainty in Complex CPS Design ABSTRACT: The unprecedented complexity of many modern-day cyber-physical systems (CPS) requires changes in how we design and develop such systems. Traditional methods were typically based on the assumption that a capable and responsible […]