Seminario: On stability of time-inhomogeneous Markov jump linear systems
Si comunica che il giorno Mercoledì 7 Dicembre alle ore 17.00 presso l’aula Aula A1.5 (Coppito 0), il dottorando Yuriy Zacchia Lun terrà un seminario dal titolo:
On stability of time-inhomogeneous Markov jump linear systems
Abstract: Discrete-time time-inhomogeneous (DTTI) Markov jump linear systems (MJLS) are linear systems subject to abrupt parameter changes, with modal transitions governed by a DTTI finite-state Markov chain. This type of Markov chain has time-varying transition probability matrix, with variations, that are arbitrary within a polytopic set of stochastic matrices. Such mathematical model is especially important for wireless networked control systems, since it allows us jointly take into account the dynamics of a physical plant and nonidealities of wireless communication. In this seminar, we present necessary and sufficient conditions for mean square stability (MSS) of DTTI MJLS affected by polytopic uncertainties on transition probabilities. The aforementioned conditions require to decide whether the joint spectral radius (JSR) of a finite family of matrices is smaller than 1. Additionally, we prove that deciding MSS on DTTI MJLS is NP-hard and that MSS is equivalent to exponential mean square stability (EMSS) and to stochastic stability (SS).
Il tempo restante, dopo la presentazione, sarà dedicato a domande ed approfondimenti. A tal proposito vi chiedo di diffondere questo avviso a chi pensate possa essere interessato.
Lo stesso lavoro verrà presentato la settimana successiva al: “55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2016)” a Las Vegas.
La durata della presentazione sarà di circa 20 minuti e si avrà tempo per eventuali domande, feedbacks e chiarimenti alla fine.