[SEMINAR] Models and algorithms for vehicular localization by integrating measurements from GNSS, on-board sensors and V2X connectivity
Speaker: Davide Pezzuti, PostDoc at DISIM Dept. UnivAQ
Location: Seminar Room (Coppito 0, “Alan Turing” building)
Date: Tuesday, February 11, 11:00 – 12:00
Live streaming on “ExEmerge Seminars” team (MS Teams code b7ti8br, link to the meeting here)
Title: Models and algorithms for vehicular localization by integrating measurements from GNSS, on-board sensors and V2X connectivity
Abstract: This seminar summarizes the study and research activities carried out as part of a project funded by ASI (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana) aimed at developing innovative methodologies for vehicle localization by integrating satellite technologies, on-board sensors and V2X connectivity. Various integration techniques between inertial sensors and odometric sensors, specifically Wheel Speed Sensors and Steer Angle Sensors, were explored in the project. The models and algorithms studied were implemented and verified in the Matlab environment. In particular, the problem of robustness of the algorithms with respect to temporary loss of GNSS signals was analyzed.
Bio: Davide Pezzuti received his Master’s Degree and Ph.D. in Automation Engineering from the University of L’Aquila (Italy) in 2011 and 2015, respectively. His research focused on the analysis and control of networked, complex, large-scale systems, with an emphasis on discrete event systems. Currently, he is a PostDoc with DISIM Department of University of L’Aquila, where his research focuses on the development of models and algorithms for vehicle localization through the integration of heterogeneous sensors designed for this purpose.