Seminar: Computer Science vs Data Science
When: Thursday 4 June 2020 – 15:00
Where: Microsoft Teams
Speaker: Prof. Andrea Clementi
Abstract: Data Science, the Science of Big-Data, is an emerging scientific field which is having a tremendous impact in essentially all living entities of the Planet. It is even hard to find one application/aspect of our life that is (still) not somewhat affected by this new scientific discipline. On the other hand, the birth of a new Scientific Field typically relies on a set of original key principles and models that should significantly depart from those characterizing other, older scientific fields.
Which are the new key principles and models of Data Science?
In this talk, we will *not* give any effective answer to this general question. Rather, we will remark the large set of principles, models, tools, and expertise, Data Science is used to heavily borrow from Computer Science.
To make our argument concrete, we will informally review some important results Computer Science has proposed for a fundamental class of tasks in Data Science, that of Majority Computations where the typical goal is to efficiently estimate the majority opinion in a large system of agents.
Andrea Clementi’s Bio: Andrea Clementi is full professor in Computer Science at the “Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Impresa Mario Lucertini – Università Tor Vergata di Roma” since 2002. He previously worked at University of Geneva as a PostDoc and in “Sapienza Università di Roma” as a Research Assistant. He has been Visiting Professor at INRIA Sophia-Antipolis and Visiting Scholar at UCSD, San Diego. He got the PhD Degree in Computer Science at Sapienza in 1994.
His main research activities fall into the areas of Theoretical Computer Science, Distributed Computing, and Applied Probability, His major recent results concern the probabilistic analysis of fundamental epidemic information processes, such as rumor spreading and consensus dynamics, in several models of dynamic networks, such as Markovian evolving graphs and agent mobility models. Such results have been published in more than 70 papers in the top international conferences and journals of these areas, among them SODA, FOCS, PODC, JACM, SICOMP, SIGACT NEWS. He has been member of the PC of several International Conferences such as ICALP, SPAA, IPDPS, and DISC. He was local coordinator for the Tor Vergata Unit of several national and EU research projects. He has been the PhD (co-)advisor of Francesco Pasquale (best young Italian researcher 2017 – IC-EATCS), Emanuele Natale (best Italian PhD Thesis and best young Italian researcher 2019 – IC-EATCS 2017 ), and Giacomo Scornavacca (best PhD Thesis 2019 from the con.Science Org.) He use to make courses for undergraduate and graduate students in Algorithms and Information Theory at University of Tor Vergata and he also gave advanced courses in some international PhD-Schools such as EcoTel (INRIA) and GSSI.