ICT Seminar “Modeling and performance analysis of advanced detection architectures for ADS-B signals in high interference environments”

Speaker: Sandro Chiocchio (PhD student at DISIM)
When: Thursday July 5, 2018, 15:00-15:30
Where: room 2.5 (Coppito 1, 2nd floor)
Title: Modeling and performance analysis of advanced detection architectures for ADS-B signals in high interference environments

Abstract: The RTCA (Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics) DO-260B document has stimulated in latest years the adoption of novel algorithms to improve the ability of receivers to detect and decode ADS-B signals, with particular emphasis on preamble detection, declaration of bit state and confidence level, detection and correction of errors. This work reports on performance analysis of a set of enhanced techniques that we have developed for detection and decoding of ADS-B signals transmitted on 1090 MHz carrier frequency in high interference conditions.  An extensive set of results has been derived through a specifically developed simulation environment, able to closely model a wide range of operational scenarios by generating ADS-B frames and Mode A/C interfering signals. The simulation environment also includes a detailed implementation of the features of both linear and logarithmic amplifier stages in the RF receiver architecture. The investigations are mainly focused on evaluating the impact of the interference generated by Mode A/C replies on preamble detection and data decoding for ADS-B signals. In this regard, the ability of enhanced reception techniques to improve detection performance is assessed. Numerical results obtained from extensive simulation runs are reported and commented. They actually demonstrate that enhanced techniques are essential to guarantee adequate detection performance in the harsh environments envisaged by increased intensity of air traffic and extensive use of ADS-B for traffic control.

The talk is part of a series of seminars given by PhD students and researchers of our Department within the ICT area.
The goal of the seminars is to provide an overview on ongoing research activities, highlight common interests and explore emerging possibilities for collaboration between different research areas.

Upcoming seminar:

  • Thursday July 12, 2018, 15:00-15:30: Arianna Persia (PhD student at DISIM), Integrated Simulation Environments for Vehicular Communications in Cooperative Road Transportation Systems.

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