Speaker: Dr. Mirco Giacobbe (University of Oxford, UK)

Title: Neuro-symbolic Liveness Verification

Abstract: Liveness verification answers the question of whether a system always responds with desirable behavior or, dually, never gets stuck without responding at all. For dynamical systems, this relates to the stability question; for computer programs, it relates to the halting problem. I will talk about a novel method for constructing liveness proofs by learning witnesses (Lyapunov and ranking functions) from data using neural networks combined with symbolic reasoning. I will talk about how we apply this neuro-symbolic approach to the stability analysis of dynamical systems, to the termination analysis of Java programs, and to the almost-sure termination analysis of probabilistic programs.

When: Friday June 11th 2021 from 14.30 to 15.30

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Neuro-symbolic Liveness Verification