Lectures in Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) course: Prof. Paul Klint (CWI Amsterdam), May 3-5, 2016

Two Lectures in Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) , May 3 and May 5, 2016, 9:00-11:00, by Paul Klint (CWI Amsterdam)
1. Overall motivation for and design of the Rascal metaprogramming language
2. Various simple examples
3. Various applications
4. The M3 metrics metamodel for source metrics computations
5. Grammarware versus modelware: grammars are based on trees while modelware is usually based on graphs. Can the two be reconciled?
6. An overview of some recent work.
Time and location:
May 3,  9:00AM-11:00AM – Room A1.1, Alan Turing Building (Blocco 0)
May 5,  9:00AM-11:00AM – Room A1.5, Alan Turing Building (Blocco 0)

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