Distinguished lectures del Prof. K. GOPAKUMAR

Il Prof. K. Gopakumar, IEEE Fellow e Distinguished Lecturer dell”IEEE Industrial Electronics Society sarà ospite dell’IEEE Italy Chapter e terrà due distiguished lecturers nei giorni:

  • Mercoledì 19 Settembre ore 15.00: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Complesso di Santa Apollonia, Via San Gallo 25, Firenze ( https://goo.gl/maps/FVDPNrfxx2gMmdT79 )
  • Lunedì 23 Settembre ore 9.00: Università degli Studi dell’Aquila, Sala Riunioni DISIM dell’Edificio Alan Touring, Via Vetoio ( https://goo.gl/maps/UdD4X7WTXkurQn5s9 )


Titolo: Stacked multilevel inverter topologies for variable speed drives applications

Abstract: Many interesting multilevel topologies have been reported for drive applications. However, still the most popular topology is the NPC three level, especially for medium voltage drives applications. This shows that the industry is still looking for some viable alternative to this, with reduced power circuit complexity and with increased reliability for medium voltage drives applications. This lecture will focus on some of the recent work from my lab on five-level, nine level and forty nine level inverter topologies with reduced DC link voltages for variable speed drive
applications. Elimination of the common point voltage fluctuations due to stacking of cells, with a normal six phase IM drive will also be discussed.


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