Corso Professionalizzante e di Specializzazione A.A. 2017-18 Sicurezza nelle Reti di Sensori Wireless / Wireless Sensor Networks Security
Sicurezza nelle Reti di Sensori Wireless / Wireless Sensor Networks Security
Recipients: Students of the master’s degree courses in Telecommunications Engineering, Computer and Automatic Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Computer Science. Participation in the course and the achievement of eligibility allow you to acquire 3 CFU in the F typology. Up to a maximum of 30 participants will be admitted, selected on the basis of the number of credits acquired. By definition and content, the course is also suitable for students of the PhD program in Engineering and Computer Science. Durata: 28 ore (4 ore / giorno per 7 giorni) Duration: 28 hours (4 hours / day per 7 days) Docente / Lecturer: Ing. Marco Pugliese, Ph. D.
Descrizione del Corso / Course Description: