Seminars and Courses
We are organizing seminars and courses in the context of our “Doctoral Program in Information and Communication Technology”.
Starting from May 18th, we propose the first set of courses targeted to our PhD students, but open to anyone who could be interested to attend.
Below you can find details about the forthcoming courses.
Patrizio Pelliccione, Engineering and architecting the software of cars and robotic systems(48 hours partitioned in 3 modules – each module can be taken separately, as an autonomous course)– First module: Engineering and architecting the software of cars and robotic systems (16 hours)– Second module: From mission specification to movements of robots (16 hours)– Third Module: Runtime collective adaptation of multi-robot systems (16 hours)
Davide Di Ruscio, Recommendation systems in Software Engineering (6 hours)– Development of complex software systems by reusing third-party open source components– The CROSSMINER Recommendation Systems
Vittoriano Muttillo, Electronic System-Level HW/SW Co-Design for Heterogeneous Parallel Embedded Systems (18 hours)– Introduction to HW/SW Co-Design– HEPSYCODE methodology– Conclusions
Marco Autili, Automating the Realization of Distributed Applications: the CHOReVOLUTION Integrated Development and Run-time Environment (IDRE) (4 hours)
Besides this, we are also resuming the organization of periodic seminars. These seminars will also be targeted to PhD students, but again open to anyone would like to attend. At the moment, we have thought to bi-weekly seminars.
The first one will be held by prof. Alfonso Pierantonio on May 21st, entitled Few things you should consider while embarking in research (and also later)
News will follow concerning the seminars that will be scheduled in the next few weeks.
The detailed schedule of courses and seminars is available here
We have created a dedicated team named “PHD ICT – Seminars and Courses” that you can reach via this link.
We remark that, by attending such events, PhD students will obtain CFUs as explained in our “Regulation of training activities” page.
Davide Di Ruscio