CFU Recognition Rules

From cycle XL


During the three-year PhD program, PhD students must acquire a total of at least 24 CFUs, divided into Learning and Training activities. This regulation defines the acquisition methods, and the types of activities involved. The regulation applies starting from the XL cycle. 

CFU Distribution 

The total CFUs (≥ 24) must be obtained through both Learning and Training activities. The following rules specify the mandatory distribution: 

Learning (min 10 CFU,  min 2 ad-hoc courses) Learning  and/or Training 
Total CFUs (Learning CFUs + Training CFU) ≥ 24 

Learning Activities 

At least 10 CFU must be earned through at least two ad-hoc courses, including the mandatory “Research Methodologies” course, which is worth 4 CFU. This course is designed to provide students with fundamental concepts of research methodologies, covering various aspects such as writing techniques, research processes (from formulating research questions to study design, data collection, and analysis), and the presentation of results. 

If a student can demonstrate that they already possess the competencies covered in the “Research Methodologies” course, the Academic Board may grant the 4 CFU without requiring attendance. The assessment of competencies will be conducted upon the student’s request and will be based on prior experiences, academic or professional qualifications, or through a knowledge verification process (e.g., a written report or a seminar). 

The recognition of the 4 CFU without attending the “Research Methodologies” course will not count toward fulfilling the requirement of earning at least 10 CFU through at least two dedicated courses. However, these CFU will contribute to reaching the total required number of credits, which must be at least 24. 

To complete the required 10 CFUs for learning activities, students can choose from the following options: 

  • Ad-hoc courses; 
  • Courses borrowed from master’s or bachelor’s degree programs; 

For other educational activities than ad-hoc courses, CFU accreditation can be either certified by the lecture of the educational activity by filling in this form, or via verification by the Reference Group.

Training Activities 

Training CFUs can be obtained by participating in one or more of the following activities: 

Type of Activity Assigned CFUs 
Period Abroad 1.5 CFUs/month 
Internship in a Company 1.5 CFUs/month 
Summer School Participation 1 CFUs/day 
Participation in Workshops/Conferences 0.5 CFUs/day 
Tutorial Participation 1 CFU/day 
Advanced seminars 0.1 CFUs/hour 

The CFUs listed above serve as guidelines for the Reference Groups and supervisors, who will evaluate the student’s activities and ultimately decide on the precise number of CFUs to be assigned. The final decision will consider the relevance, duration, and outcomes of the activities performed by the student. 

Ad-hoc PhD Courses 

The list of ad-hoc courses is subject to changes. New courses may be added, and existing courses may be updated or replaced each year. Students are encouraged to regularly check the updated course offerings provided by the PhD program to plan their training activities accordingly. 

Advanced Seminars 

Throughout the academic year, a series of advanced seminars will be organized and advertised through the mailing lists of the PhD program. These seminars cover cutting-edge topics and are typically delivered by internal or external experts in the field. 

Students can attend these advanced seminars as part of their training activities, with CFUs assigned at a rate of 0.1 CFU per hour of attendance. Participation in these seminars provides an excellent opportunity to deepen knowledge in specific areas of interest and to stay updated on the latest research trends. 

To receive CFU accreditation for advanced seminars, students must provide proof of attendance, which will be evaluated by the Reference Group and/or the supervisor. 

Planning and Approval of Activities 

Learning and Training activities must be planned annually by the PhD student in agreement with their supervisor. 

To recognize the CFUs, certification of participation or verification of acquired skills (e.g., through seminars, projects, or final assessments) must be provided. 

Special Conditions for PhD Students 

For PhD students with PON scholarships, without a scholarship, or holding a job position, the Total CFUs are reduced to 10 CFUs that must be planned by the PhD student in agreement with their supervisor and approved by the Reference Group. 

Until cycle XXXIX

During the three years of the Doctoral Program, the following training activities are mandatory.

  • The PhD student must obtain 6 CFU from one master-level course and 6 CFU from one master-level or bachelor-level course, after a final assessment. This could be done by doing an exam or a project arranged with the lecturer of the course, or by giving a seminar at the presence of the Reference Group.
  • The PhD student must obtain 18 CFU from ad-hoc courses (that is, advanced-level courses) and/or participation to workshops, tutorials, short courses, scientific seminars. Concerning advanced-level courses, 1 CFU corresponds to 25 hours of studying activity of the PhD student, including six hours of lecture and partial and final exams. If the advanced-level course already provides CFU assignment, then this formal assignment will be considered, independently from the above mentioned CFU/hours correspondence. Concerning workshops, tutorials, short courses, scientific seminars, PhD students will be assigned 0.1 CFU per hour of attendance. For ad-hoc courses, CFU are assigned by the lecturer of the course after a final assessment to be arranged with the PhD student and her/his supervisor, or by the Reference Group after the verification of acquired skills (for example, by means of a seminar or a project). The PhD student must give a seminar at the end of the year for any course for which a final assessment is not explicitly indicated. For other educational activities than ad-hoc courses, CFU accreditation can be either certified by the lecture of the educational activity by filling in this form, or via verification by the Reference Group.

For PhD students holding a PON studentship, or without a scholarship, or holding a working position, total amount of mandatory CFU for training activities is 10.

Bachelor-level courses, master-level courses and advanced-level courses to be added to the annual planned activity will be decided by the PhD student in agreement with her/his supervisor and the corresponding Reference Group. In order for the Doctoral Program Committee to approve the accreditation of CFU, the PhD student must obtain the authorization from the Reference Group.

PhD students holding also positions in companies can propose an alternative training activity which will be evaluated by the Reference Group and, after that, approved by the Doctoral Program Committee.

The list of advanced-level courses is divided for different curricula. However, a PhD student can also attend courses belonging to other curricula in order to gain mandatory CFU or for scientific interest. In the last case, the PhD student is not required to pass a final assessment.

PhD supervisors, Reference Groups members and Doctoral Program Committee can propose courses, graduate schools and seminars with advertisement on this section.