Course and Seminar Materials

In this page you can find slides and videos related to some of the internal courses and seminars that have been hosted in the doctoral program.

Automating the Realization of Distributed Applications: the CHOReVOLUTION Integrated Development and Run-time Environment (IDRE)Marco AutiliCourse[Slides1]
Computer Science vs Data ScienceAndrea ClementiSeminar[Abstract]
Electronic System-Level HW/SW Co-Design for Heterogeneous Parallel Embedded SystemsVittoriano MuttilloCourse[Videos]
Engineering and architecting the software of cars and robotic systems Patrizio Pelliccione
— First module: Engineering and architecting the software of cars and robotic systems (16 hours)
— Second module:  From mission specification to movements of robots (16 hours)
— Third Module: Runtime collective adaptation of multi-robot systems
Ethics and Privacy in Autonomous Systems: A software exoskeleton to empower the userPaola InverardiSeminar[Abstract]
Few things you should consider while embarking in research (and also later)Alfonso PierantonioSeminar[Abstract]
Recommendation systems in Software EngineeringDavide Di Ruscio
— Part 1: Development of complex software systems by
reusing third-party open source components
— Part 2: The CROSSMINER Recommendation Systems
Serverless 101 /  Serverless Advanced Gabriele Provinciali Seminar[Details]