We are pleased to announce that on Monday, April 7th, D’ALOISIO Giordano, and MEMON Mashal Afzal (XXXVII cycle) will defend their PhD theses. The defense sessions will take place in a hybrid format, both in “Aula Seminari, Building A. Turing” and via MS Teams, starting at 10:30. Anyone interested is invited to join. The sessions will be accessible by following […]
PhD final presentations: LOZZI Daniele, MATTEI Enrico, PETTANICE Giuseppe (XXXVII cycle)
Dear all, I am pleased to announce that on Thursday, March 27th, LOZZI Daniele, MATTEI Enrico, PETTANICE Giuseppe (XXXVII cycle) will defend their PhD theses. The defense sessions will take place in a hybrid format, both in “Aula C1.9, Coppito 2” and via MS Teams, starting at 14:30. Anyone interested is invited to join. The sessions will be accessible by […]
[COURSE] Course on “Answer Set Programming”
On Friday, March 14, Prof. Stefania Costantini will deliver a course as part of the National PhD program on Artificial Intelligence. The abstract of the course is given below. If you are interested, please feel free to contact Prof. Costantini, who will be happy to provide details on how to attend and participate in the course. Abstract: Answer Set Programming (ASP) […]
[PHD School] PhD Summer School SSIE 2025: Registrations are open!
PhD Summer School of Information Engineering – SSIE 2025, co-organized by the Department of Information Engineering (DEI) at the University of Padova (Italy), and the IEEE Italy section. SSIE will take place in the beautiful Bressanone/Brixen, Italy, on July 7-11, continuing on a decades-long tradition: https://ssie.dei.unipd.it *** PROGRAM ***The School program has been carefully shaped, securing talks from leading experts […]
[PHD SCHOOL] 30th Bertinoro International Spring School – 2025 edition
The 30th edition of the Bertinoro International Spring School (BISS) will be held from May 19th to May 23rd, 2025. As usual, the school will be held at the University Residential Center in the small medieval town of Bertinoro, around 50 km east of Bologna. The school offers three graduate-level courses aimed at PhD students in Computer Science. In addition to […]
EDISS Winter School 2025
The EDISS Winter School program is available at https://www.master-ediss.eu/winter-school-2025/ Monday and Tuesday will comprise academic talks by Max Di Penta, Karthik Vaidhyanathan, Grace Lewis, and Barbara Russo, as well as industry talks, the “Industry meets EDISS” session, and Exhibition & Demos by EDISS students. You are all invited to come and freely attend the talks on Monday and Tuesday. Lunches and social events […]
[SEMINAR] AI Ethics in Action: Understanding the Expertise and Role of AI Ethicists – POSTPONED
Speaker: Donatella Donati, Assistant Professor (RTDa) at DSU Dept. UnivAQ Date: Wednesday, February 19, 10:00 – 11:00 Title: AI Ethics in Action: Understanding the Expertise and Role of AI Ethicists Live streaming on “ExEmerge Seminars” team (MS Teams code b7ti8br, link to the meeting here) Abstract: In recent years, the role of AI Ethicists has become increasingly significant within the Information and […]
[SEMINAR] Engineering Fair and Efficient Learning-Based Software Systems
Talk Title: Engineering Fair and Efficient Learning-Based Software Systems Speaker: Giordano D’Aloisio, PhD student When: Wednesday, 19th February, 14:30-15:30 Where: Alan Turing Seminar Room Abstract: The wide adoption of learning-based software systems (LBSS) – i.e., systems that include machine learning models – raises concerns about their quality. Among the most relevant and peculiar quality attributes of these systems is fairness, which identifies a system free […]
[SEMINAR] Models and algorithms for vehicular localization by integrating measurements from GNSS, on-board sensors and V2X connectivity
Speaker: Davide Pezzuti, PostDoc at DISIM Dept. UnivAQ Location: Seminar Room (Coppito 0, “Alan Turing” building) Date: Tuesday, February 11, 11:00 – 12:00 Live streaming on “ExEmerge Seminars” team (MS Teams code b7ti8br, link to the meeting here) Title: Models and algorithms for vehicular localization by integrating measurements from GNSS, on-board sensors and V2X connectivity Abstract: This seminar summarizes the study and […]
PhD final presentation: REHMAN Abdul (XXXVI cycle)
Dear all, I am pleased to announce that on Thursday, Jan 23rd, Abdul Rehman (XXXVI cycle) will defend his PhD thesis in front of the National Committee. The defense session will take place in a hybrid format, both in “Aula Seminari, Blocco 0” and via MS Teams, starting at 9:30. Anyone interested is invited to join. The session will be accessible by […]