A.Y. 2024/2025

The current offering of ad-hoc PhD courses for the academic year 24/25 includes the following, with their respective CFUs and total teaching hours: 

Course Title CFUs Total Teaching Hours Teacher
Development of Complex Software Systems by Reusing Third-Party Open Source Components 
Davide Di Ruscio
Collective Decision Making and Swarm Robotics 12 
Giulia De Masi
Ethics of AI and Information and Communication Technology 12 
Donatella Donati
Introduction to Robotics in the Medical Context 12 
Daniela D’Auria
Research Projects: From Proposal Writing to Management 0.7 
Antinisca Di Marco
Quantum Computing 2.5 14 
Leonardo Guidoni
Research Methodology24 Phuong Nguyen
Digital System-on-Chip Design 2.5 15 
Guido Di Patrizio Stanchieri
Engineering Gamified Systems 24
Antonio Bucchiarone
Advanced Model-Driven Engineering Techniques 12 Alfonso Pierantonio
Wireless Sensor and Vehicular Networks Security 4.6 28 
Marco Pugliese
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in the EU regulatory framework 12 
Lisandra Suárez Fernández

If not explicitly specified, the courses will be online via MS Teams. You can join the Team “PHD ICT – Seminars and Courses” by using the code 9kkf5ny

Details of the courses above and their schedule are available at PhD Courses_Calendar_24-25.xlsx