Doctoral Program in INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES July 21, 2017 Meeting Room (2nd floor) – Alan Turing Building (Blocco 0) – Coppito, L’Aquila XXIX Cycle PROGRAM 11:00 – Giovanni Domenico Di Girolamo “Co-design of controllers and information flows in networked control systems”. Advisor: Prof. M.D. Di Benedetto, Co-Advisor:…
Announcement of call for Ph.D. applications (academic year 2017/2018)
The call for Ph.D applications for the academic year 2017/2017 (Cycle XXXIII) is open! Deadline: August, 24, 2017. For more info click here. Call for applications (italian) Call for applications (english)
Seminar “A Practical Implementation and Simulation of a Hybrid Wireless Sensor Network for Security Monitoring and Surveillance”
Speaker: Prof. Ala Khalifeh (chair of Electrical and Communication Engineering Department at German Jordanian University) When: Thursday, July 6th 2017 — 11am Where: Meeting room, Alan Turing building (Coppito 0). Title: A Practical Implementation and Simulation of a Hybrid Wireless Sensor Network for Security…