PhD final presentation: REHMAN Abdul (XXXVI cycle)

Dear all,

I am pleased to announce that on Thursday, Jan 23rd, Abdul Rehman (XXXVI cycle) will defend his PhD thesis in front of the National Committee. The defense session will take place in a hybrid format, both in “Aula Seminari, Blocco 0” and via MS Teams, starting at 9:30.

Anyone interested is invited to join. The session will be accessible by following the link below:

The call will be hosted on the team named “PHD ICT – Student Presentations”, accessible with the code 9y06sdz.

Details about the PhD thesis are provided below:

  • Abdul Rehman
    Thesis Title: “Performance Analysis of Multiple Access Protocols for Sidelink Vehicular Communications”
    Supervisor: Prof. Piergiuseppe Di Marco

Please feel free to share this invitation with anyone who may be interested in attending.

Best regards,


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