[SEMINAR] AI Ethics in Action: Understanding the Expertise and Role of AI Ethicists

Speaker: Donatella Donati, Assistant Professor (RTDa) at DSU Dept. UnivAQ Date: Wednesday, February 19, 10:00 – 11:00 Title: AI Ethics in Action: Understanding the Expertise and Role of AI Ethicists Live streaming on “ExEmerge Seminars” team (MS Teams code b7ti8br, link to the meeting here) Abstract: In recent years, the role of AI Ethicists has become increasingly significant within the Information and […]

[SEMINAR] Engineering Fair and Efficient Learning-Based Software Systems

Talk Title: Engineering Fair and Efficient Learning-Based Software Systems Speaker: Giordano D’Aloisio, PhD student When: Wednesday, 19th February, 14:30-15:30 Where: Alan Turing Seminar Room Abstract:  The wide adoption of learning-based software systems (LBSS) – i.e., systems that include machine learning models – raises concerns about their quality. Among the most relevant and peculiar quality attributes of these systems is fairness, which identifies a system free […]

[SEMINAR] Models and algorithms for vehicular localization by integrating measurements from GNSS, on-board sensors and V2X connectivity

Speaker: Davide Pezzuti, PostDoc at DISIM Dept. UnivAQ Location: Seminar Room (Coppito 0, “Alan Turing” building) Date: Tuesday, February 11, 11:00 – 12:00 Live streaming on “ExEmerge Seminars” team (MS Teams code b7ti8br, link to the meeting here) Title: Models and algorithms for vehicular localization by integrating measurements from GNSS, on-board sensors and V2X connectivity Abstract: This seminar summarizes the study and […]

[SEMINAR] From Single-Mode to Space-Division Multiplexing: A New Era in Optical Fiber Technology

Speaker: Giammarco Di Sciullo, PhD student at DISIM Dept. UnivAQ Location: Seminar Room of Alan Turing building (Coppito 0) Date: Thursday, December 12, 15:30-16:15  Live streaming on “ExEmerge Seminars” team (MS Teams code b7ti8br) Title: From Single-Mode to Space-Division Multiplexing: A New Era in Optical Fiber Technology Abstract: As data rates are expected to continue their exponential increase in optical fiber […]

[SEMINAR] Where Philosophy Meets Technology: Toward Better Modeling Tools

When: Wednesday, 11th December, 14:30-15:30 Where: Alan Turing Seminar Room Speaker: Alfonso Pierantonio, Full Professor and Coordinator of the SWEN research group Talk Title: Where Philosophy Meets Technology: Toward Better Modeling Tools Abstract: In Model-Driven Engineering (MDE), seamless integration of tools, languages, and processes is crucial for developing domain-specific modeling languages (DSMLs). Effective tools must offer flexibility, support for co-evolution, and minimize complexity, including technical debt. […]

Upcoming Training Events for Research and Social Development

The University of L’Aquila is pleased to announce a series of training events focused on research and social development, starting this October. Organized by the Commissione Formazione Docenti & Innovazione Didattica in collaboration with Prof.ssa M.B. Mattei (Pro-Rector for Research) and Prof. A. Mecozzi (Doctoral Studies Coordinator), these sessions are designed to support faculty members and researchers in developing key […]