Seminar “Stability of interconnected uncertain delay systems: a converse Lyapunov approach”
Speaker: Dr. Ihab Haidar (ENSEA-Cergy, France, Laboratoire QUARTZ)
When: Monday, January 23rd, 2017 — 3:30pm
Where: ROOM A1.5, Alan Turing building (Coppito 0).
Title: Stability of interconnected uncertain delay systems: a converse Lyapunov approach
Abstract: This talk is interested by the asymptotic stability of interconnected uncertain delay systems. First, a collection of converse Lyapunov-Krasovskii theorems for uncertain linear delay systems, recently developed in the literature, is presented. The originality of these theorems resides in the weakly-degenerate conditions required on the Lyapunov-Krasovskii funcionals. Then, thanks to these theorems, sufficient conditions for stability of interconnected uncertain linear delay systems are presented.
Contact: Prof. Pierdomenico Pepe (pierdomenico(dot)pepe(at)univaq(dot)it)
For more info: Haidar_Seminar_2017